Tuesday, 1 November 2011


The way that our DVD cover has turned out has exceeded my expectations in the sense that the overall look of the final image relates well to our genre and band of choice, Red Hot Chili Peppers.

The DVD cover that we produced on Photoshop is very similar to that of our first design and therefore shows that we thought a lot about our plan before we began to take the photos that we needed for the cover. This is an improvement over my work last year and I wasn't as organised as I should have been. As a result, I have found that the work took a lot less time to do as i knew what I was doing before i had started.

The use of colour is affective in the way that we have used black and red as our main colours. the black background resembles that of other RHCP albums and covers. The red writing is there to represent the fire that is incorporated in a lot of their work as this relates to the bands name. We decided to wear mainly blue/black clothing in order to create that cold feeling in contrast with the red lips of which we had enhanced. The shadows around the photos of the band members allow them to stand out a bit more. However, we did have problems with getting a shadow underneath each of the figures and believe that if we had more time then we could have added this effect in and this would have made the editing more realistic as a result. To form a background for the red lips, we duplicated the layer and put an effect onto this layer that contrasts with the red. It looks a lot like a thermal image camera and so even though the feeling of the colours used is cold, the connection to the fire and heat is still there.

We changed the fact that the DVD was of the Red Hot Chili Peppers live at Hyde Park due to the fact that we had a track list at the back of the By The Way album and so decided due to this fact that we would make the DVD a compilation of various performances of songs from this album. 

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