Monday, 26 September 2011

plans for our digipak

The photographs we will we need will be easy to take but hard to make. We will need a picture of a mouth open with a tongue sticking out. Then a picture of us standing infront of a green screen so we can put us on to the tongue. We will be located in the mac room in order to use the Green screen to take the picture of us for the tongue. All of us will be in the shot so thats what the subject wil be. Our costumes will be rather "rock based" so we will have funny hair and style.

Our target audience is actually quite varied, the band Red Hot Chilli Peppers is incidentally aimed at a lot of different age groups. You cannot group RHCP in to one ages or genre, it is alternative rock with a bit of funk but to say they're for 9-50 year olds is a good estimate.

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